Newport Family Information Service

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Showing 83 of 83 services

ADDers - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Our objective is to promote awareness to ADD, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperger's and to provide information and as much free practical help as we can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children and their families.

Adoption UK Cymru - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Support services for adoptive families and adopted people. Resources for schools, and for those working in adoption. Adoption UK Cymru provides peer support and family events to the adoption community in Wales. We offer training at low or no cost on adoption related topics, including a...

Afasic - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Afasic supports and provides information for families with children and young adults who have Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) with a focus on Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). SLCN is the term used for children who have significant difficulties with talking, listening and/or...

Al-Anon Family Groups - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Al-Anon is a worldwide resource for families and friends of problem drinkers. There are over 800 Al-Anon and Al-Ateen groups in the UK where those who are or have been affected by someone else's drinking meet together to gain understanding and support in order to solve their common problems. We...

Ar Trac - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith The project brings together a range of interventions, co-produced by local agencies with children and young people. Ar Trac’s suite of age-appropriate services can be tailored based on the individual needs and strengths of the child and their family. As such, the project and what it offers will...

AVP Wales (Building better relationships) - information Pack for organisations - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Our Information pack provides more detail about our workshops, who they are aimed at, how they work and how to access them. We are a small charity, based in Wales, We work in all areas of Wales. For more information please contact us at

Barnardo's Cymru - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Barnardo’s Cymru has been working in Wales for over a century. Our aim is to reach out to the most disadvantaged children, young people, families and communities in Wales to help ensure that every child has the best possible start in life. We try to ensure that every young person can realise...

Barnardo's Newport Connect - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Under the Newport Connect umbrella of services (including Newport Young Carers) is a partnership between Barnardo’s Cymru and Newport Families First, Mentora will provide a tailored plan of support for families or young people who require low level support through Barnardo’s volunteers.

Barnardo's Newport Young Carers: Newport - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Newport Young Carers offers bespoke support to children and young people aged eight – 25 years who are supporting someone with mental health difficulties, illness, physical disability, drug/alcohol misuse, or providing sibling and other related family care. They are encouraged and supported to...

BASIS - Baby Sleep Information Source - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The aim of Basis is to provide online access to up-to-date research-based evidence about normal infant sleep and infant sleep safety, in forms that are accessible to parents and health practitioners, supported by references to research relevant to families in the UK.

Brain Tumour Support Group - South East Wales - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Brain Tumour Support is here for anyone affected by any type of brain tumour, to help them deal day to day with the impact of diagnosis and treatment. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - In order to protect the well-being of all those we support, Brain Tumour Support has suspended all support group...

Breastfeeding Network - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith The Breastfeeding Network is a society where mums, parents and families are able to make informed decisions about breastfeeding, to access help when they need it and to become confident in their choices. For a new parent deciding how to feed their baby, talking to a trained volunteer who knows...

Cafcass Cymru - Gwent - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith We provide expert child-focused advice and support, safeguard children and make sure their voices are heard in family courts across Wales so that decisions are made in their best interests. We may only become involved in a family law case when required by the court. We are not a legal service...

Care for the Family - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We are a national charity which runs events across the UK that would benefit couples, parents and those that are bereaved. Care for the Family has been supporting and encouraging families in the UK since 1988. We aim to strengthen family life & help those facing family difficulties. We hold...

Child Brain Injury Trust - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Every 30 minutes, a child or young person will acquire a brain injury. This could be the result of an accident, an illness such as meningitis or encephalitis, a poisoning, a stroke or a brain tumour. A brain injury has a devastating and life-long impact on the child and their whole family. Bones ...

Childcare Offer - Flintshire - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith To help working parents access affordable, available and accessible childcare all eligible families can apply for the funded Welsh Government Childcare Offer for Flintshire. The aims of the Offer are to increase economic growth, tackle poverty and reduce inequalities. The Offer online...

Choose2Change - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Choose2Change is a service to increase the safety of victims of domestic abuse through working with the perpetrator. The service can work with perpetrators in both one-to-one setting and a group setting depending on the individuals and their location. It is an intervention that includes...

CJD Support Network - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

CJD Support Network offers practical and emotional nationwide support for patients, families and professionals, affected by all strains of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). The CJD Support Network offers: - practical and emotional support to individuals and families concerned with all forms of...

Connect Resolve - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Working with families to strengthen or reconnect relationships. Improving communication and helping parents to understand their child's behaviour. Enabling parents to co-ordinate their parenting styles. Working with just parents or the whole family. Also offers parent/child mediation.

Cry-sis Helpline - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Cry-sis runs a telephone helpline that offers advice and support to families of sleepless, excessively crying and unsettled babies and young children. Callers are referred to a trained volunteer who has had personal experience of crying or sleep problems within their own family.

CVW The Pantri - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The Pantri is Risca's eco-shopping solution for those looking for a sustainable lifestyle on a budget. If you are looking to lower your carbon impact then we are the solution for you. This is a membership service which costs £2 for 12 baskets. Each basket will then only cost £5 but will include ...

Cymryd Rhan - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cymryd Rhan is a charity formed in 1986 to promote and assist people in Wales who are vulnerable and disadvantaged by reason of their learning and/or physical disability, mental health or age. We support people to live their life in their way. We take a transparent and inclusive approach towards ...

Direct Mediation Services - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We provide both private and Legal Aid funded family mediation in relation to both child arrangement and financial and property issues. For further information, please get in touch via 0113 468 9593 or at

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team (EYST) - Wrexham - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team was set up in 2005 by a group of ethnic minority young people in Swansea. It aimed to fill a gap in provision for young BME people aged 11-25 by providing a targeted, culturally sensitive and holistic support service to meet their needs. Since then, EYST...

Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST) BME CYP Project - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Funded by Welsh Government through the Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant, Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST Wales) are pleased to announce our new exciting BME CYP Project to support children aged 0 to 25 and their families who have additional or multiple needs....

F.A.S.T (First Aid Supplies And Training) - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

First Aid Supplies and Training/F.A.S.T provides a professional First aid Service. With over 37 years of training and over 46 years of experience dealing with casualties. We train 7 days a week/evenings subject to min numbers and availability . We offer a reliable, appropriate and professional...

Families Anonymous - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Families Anonymous is a world-wide fellowship of family members and friends affected by another's abuse of mind-altering substances, or related behavioural problems. Families Anonymous has groups, spread throughout the country, which meet regularly. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend...

Family Lives - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Family Lives is a charity that supports any family member with all aspects of family life including parenting. They can offer advice for mental health, self harm and a range of other issues which impact young people such as depression, body image and peer pressure. They can be contacted via the...

Faye Louise Pluralistic Practitioner - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

I'm a qualified pluralistic practitioner and a registered mental health nurse practising in Mid Wales, offering to help people find and balance change and acceptance. I understand that it's often a challenge to even make the decision to seek support, yet if you take that step, the benefits can...

Forget-me-not Chorus - Newport - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Our community: Supporting everyone living with dementia Are you looking for a group to support you as you face the challenges of dementia? Join us and hundreds of other people who understand. Membership is free, and no referral is needed. Our meetings take place every week, and are a relaxed,...

Hope Support Services - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Hope supports young people aged 5-25 when a loved one has a serious illness such as cancer, Motor Neurone Disease, organ failure etc. We're available from the moment of diagnosis for however long we're needed, whatever the outcome for the patient. Our online support service is available across...

Huntington's Disease Support Group - South Wales - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We are a volunteer run support group for people connected to Huntington's Disease to gather together, share information and knowledge and support each other. Often people involved with HD can feel very isolated and that other people don't really understand what it means to have the disease, be...

KeyCreate CIC - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Have fun with creativity! KeyCreate run completely accessible and enjoyable Creative Workshops for people of all ages with any disability in South Wales. They are well qualified and experienced in providing creative play through use of storytelling, music, drama, dance, movement and sensory...

Kidscape - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face-to-face or through cyberspace , and comes in many different forms. Our mission is to provide children, families, carers and ...

Kolourful Unique - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith ‘Kolourful Unique’ provides a safe and creative learning environment for children and students with additional learning needs who either attend school on a part-time basis or are unable to attend school at all, between the ages of 0-16 years.

La Leche League Breastfeeding - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We provide parent to parent support for all breastfeeding parents at every stage of their breastfeeding journey, via our helpline, through social media, online help forms and face to face local meetings. We believe that mothering through breastfeeding is the most natural and effective way of...

Lost for words - e-book for bereaved children - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

#LostForWords is a new e-book created by Ben Brooks-Dutton with the Life Matters task force – a coalition of charities calling for better support for bereaved families. The free to download e-book is made up of advice and insights from children bereaved from infancy to teenage years, including...

Lucy FaithfulI Foundation Wales - Individual early intervention for vulnerable or at risk families - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

This programme provides educational intervention for a family identified by statutory or voluntary services as at risk, or as needing early intervention, with regard to child sexual abuse or exploitation (CSAE) but have not met the threshold for formal intervention or would benefit from...

Lucy Faithfull Foundation UK - Shore website - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Lucy Faithfull Foundation UK brings the Shore website to you, which aims to provide a safe space online for teenagers who are worried about sexual behaviour. Worried about sexual thoughts or behaviour? Are you worried about your own or someone else’s sexual thoughts, feelings or actions? We can ...

Lucy Faithfull Foundation UK and Ireland resources/website - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We work across Wales to ensure that parents, carers and professionals are as best placed as they can be to protect children from sexual abuse. Prevention is at the heart of our work. We work closely with local authorities, LSCBs, police, the government, the voluntary sector, families and...

Lucy Faithfull Foundation Wales - Public education sessions - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Our public sessions include: Parents Protect - A session for parents/carers on the facts around child sexual abuse and our responsibility to prevent it. The session can be tailored with information to support families of children with additional needs. Professionals Protect - A session for...

Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia & Coloboma Support - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

MACS provides emotional and practical support to people born without eyes and partially developed eyes and their families. They put families who have been through similar experiences in touch with each other and for emotional and peer support, as well as organising events and activities to bring ...

Mini First Aid Cardiff and Newport - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Our Multi Award winning classes are delivered in a relaxed and comfortable style and give you confidence to know what actions to take if faced with a medical emergency. Mini First Aid offers a range of classes for all the family; parents, grandparents, carers and for children as young as three...

National Adoption Service - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith The National Adoption Service for Wales is an innovative collaborative for the provision of adoption services. It brings together Welsh local authority adoption services into a 3 tier structure which includes partnerships with Voluntary Adoption Agencies based in Wales, Health and Education...

National Childbirth Trust (NCT) - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We are the UK’s leading charity for parents, for your First 1,000 Days - right through your pregnancy, birth and beyond. From preparing for pregnancy to giving birth and the early years that follow, you can browse hundreds of free, evidence-based articles in our information centre. Antenatal and ...

National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Cymru - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) began as a group of nurseries who came together to share good practice and ideas. In Wales, we have a thriving membership representing private day nurseries, with active member networks in local authority areas across the country, and an office in Conwy. ...

Newport Family Information Service (FIS) - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Free, accessible, quality information for parents and childcare professionals • local childcare services and help with childcare costs • activities for families, children and young people • education • children's health and safety • family support services • parenting issues and much and much...

Newport's Disabled Children's Index and Information Service - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith The Information Officer, based at the Disabled Children's Team administers the Disabled Children's Index and provides an Information Service. The Information Officer is available to parents and carers and can advise on and sign post to services and resources both in the voluntary and statutory...

NSPCC - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We're the leading children's charity fighting to end child abuse. We help children who have been abused to rebuild their lives, protect those at risk, and find the best ways of preventing abuse from ever happening. We're preventing abuse We work with families when they're going through difficult ...

Parenting. Give it time - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith This website has been developed by the Welsh Government with the help of a range of organisations and professionals including psychologists, health visitors, academics and parenting experts. It is not intended to tell parents what to do, but to offer practical parenting information, tips and...

Pregnancy in Mind - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Pregnancy and becoming a new parent is a time of change. You might feel stressed or alone, or maybe something just doesn’t feel right or as you expected. You don’t have to go through this alone, we are here to support you. What is Pregnancy in Mind? Pregnancy in Mind is group work programme for...

RAF Families Federation - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The RAF Families Federation provides all RAF personnel and their families – Regular and Reserve, single or married – with timely and professional support, assistance and an independent voice regarding issues or concerns that they may have. We capture evidence on specific issues through our...

Restricted Growth Association (RGA) UK - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The Restricted Growth Association (RGA) is a registered charity (No 261647) that provides information and support to people of restricted growth and their families. The RGA provides support to those experiencing the social and medical consequences of restricted growth (dwarfism). Our goal is to ...

Retina UK - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Retina UK is the national charity for families living with inherited retinal dystrophies. We fund research and provide information and support to those affected by inherited sight loss and the professionals who support them. Helpline: 0300 111 4000 – Our helpline is operated by volunteers all...

Royal Society for Blind Children - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

For over 150 years The Royal Society for Blind Children (formerly known as The Royal Blind Society) has been helping blind children and young people (age 0 – 25) live a life without limits. Our qualified and experienced Family Practitioners provide support to children, young people, and families ...

Same but Different: Cost of Living Support - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We know that there are many families affected by rare diseases and disabilities who are struggling with the cost of living crisis… and we want to help you. That’s why, working alongside our partners, we’ve created a list of resources to help you at this challenging time. We have also...

SANDS Stillbirth and neonatal death charity helpline - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Sands is the stillbirth and neonatal death charity. Founded in 1978, Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it wherever they are in the UK. Sands provides...

Ser Bach / Little Stars - Shine - Early Intervention Project - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Sêr Bach / Little Stars - Shine's Early Intervention Project. This service focuses on providing support, information and advice on / to: • Benefits, finances and funding • parents-to-be who have received an ante-natal diagnosis of spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus • new parents, and...

Shine - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Shine provide specialist support, advice and information throughout the life of anyone living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, as well as to parents, families, carers and professional health and social care staff. Shine's Support and Development workers can be contacted to provide...

Staying safe away from home – a guide for parents - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Getting the balance right between allowing children their independence and ensuring their safety when away from home can be difficult. A guide produced by the NSPCC provides advice and practical tips to parents on judging if a child is ready to be out on their own and how to prepare them for...

Stop It Now! Family and Friends Forum - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith We’ve spoken to hundreds of people who have been affected by someone close to them viewing sexual images of children online. Everyone is different but we know that many family members are deeply shocked and distressed by their family member’s behaviour, their lives maybe turned upside down, and...

Stop It Now! National Helpline - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Anyone with a concern about child sexual abuse and its prevention can anonymously call the Stop It Now! helpline. We encourage you to trust your gut and call, whatever your worry or level of concern. Our advisors can support anyone struggling with their own or a loved one’s sexual thoughts,...

Stori- Domestic Abuse Services & Housing Support - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Stori is a housing association that provides accommodation and support to vulnerable people across Wales. We provide a tailored support package to each individual that we support. The range of support services that we provide include: - Temporary Supported Housing - Refuge and Safe Houses -...

Support After Murder and Manslaughter (SAMM) - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

SAMM is a national UK Charity (No 1000598) supporting families bereaved by Murder and Manslaughter. We also provide advice and training to many agencies on issues relevant to the traumatically bereaved. We believe that the support of others who share similar experiences is pivotal for the...

Supportline - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

SupportLine offers confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with...

Supportline - Mens Support - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Suicide in England and Wales is 3 x times more common among men than among women and the single biggest killer of men under 45. Boys are often conditioned from an early age not to show emotion and taught to do so is a sign of weakness. When a boy grows into adulthood this conditioning can have...

Teulu Cymru: support for families in Wales - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Being a parent is the most rewarding job in the world but it can sometimes be the hardest. We’re here to help and hopefully make things that little bit easier. If you’re looking for information on childcare or financial support, Teulu Cymru can help. There’s advice from experts, as well as tips...

The Beaumont Society - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We are the largest and longest established transgender support group in the UK, and have developed a support network which has been at the forefront of the trans community since 1966! As well as being a support network, the society keenly promotes the better awareness and understanding of the...

The Beresford Pregnancy Counselling Centre - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The Beresford Centre is a registered charity offering free impartial and confidential counselling to women and their partners in dealing with an unexpected pregnancy and in all situations of pregnancy loss (post termination, miscarriage and still birth, and cot death).

The Down's Syndrome Association - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We are Wales-wide organisation providing information, advice and support on all aspects of living with Down's syndrome. We provide support from pre-birth throughout life and have a range of specialist advisors and resources to help anyone with an interest in Down's syndrome. We have a...

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust believes that the deaths and trauma associated with ectopic pregnancy should be prevented or minimised and provides information and support to anyone going through this very difficult period of their lives. Ectopic pregnancy is a common, life threatening condition...

The Miscarriage Association - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Miscarriage is never easy. If you’ve been affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, we hope this website will provide the information that you’re looking for. We hope that family, friends, colleagues and health professionals will find the site helpful too. We’re here to help ...

The Movement Centre - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The Movement Centre works with children and their families from across the UK to provide a unique, evidence-based therapy called Targeted Training. The children who visit The Movement Centre have Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay (GDD), or other problems of movement control. A course of ...

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Nacoa (The National Association for Children of Alcoholics) addresses the needs of children growing up in families where one or both parents suffer from alcoholism or a similar addictive problem. We provide a free, confidential helpline for children of alcoholics and others concerned about their ...

The Respite Association - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We fund suitably qualified carers to take over so that the usual carer can take a well earned break. Most of our grants are for a few hundred pounds but we are happy to share funding with other sources. Please note that we do not fund the carers break, or anything associated with it, just the...

Tiny Tickers Think Heart - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Think Heart - Tiny tickers a better start for tiny hearts - Learn how to spot the signs of a heart defect in your new-born baby. We are a small national charity with a mission to improve the detection and care of babies with serious heart conditions, giving these babies a better start in life....

Tommy's - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

We’re the leading charity stopping the heartbreak and devastation of baby loss and making pregnancy and birth safe – for everyone. We work across the whole pregnancy journey, turning our research breakthroughs into new tests and treatments, campaigning for changes to national maternity care and...

Triple P Family Transitions Online - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Family Transitions Triple P Online involves five online modules with videos and interactive activities that parents complete independently in their own time and at their own pace, from a computer, tablet or smartphone. The programme is designed for parents who are experiencing personal distress...

Ty Hafan - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Ty Hafan provides specialist palliative care to life limited children and their families. We provide this care for children and young people up to the age of 18. Specialist palliative care may include end of life care, bereavement care, short break care, emotional support and outreach services....

Vesta - Specialist Family Support CIC - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith We offer specialist services for Polish families in Wales. Our support focuses on domestic abuse, parenting and mental health. British agencies can commission our specialist services to support Polish families within set deadlines and work with them more effectively to achieve positive results. ...

Wizzybug Loan Scheme - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

The Wizzybug Loan Scheme provides FREE fun, powered wheelchairs to disabled children aged 14 months. It's run by the national charity Designability. Children with conditions such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida and spinal muscular atrophy can learn vital movement skills, independence, spatial...

Words For Life - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

This website Words for Life gives you an idea of what communication milestones your baby and child might reach as they grow. There are ideas for fun activities you can do together to help your children develop their skills. For Welsh language information go to the website of Mudiad Meithrin...

Working Families Helpline - Family support services (Opens in a new window)

Working Families is the UK’s national charity for working parents and carers. Our mission is to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace. We help working parents and carers and their employers find a better balance between responsibilities at home and...