Hannah's Little Lions Childminding - Child minder

This resource is regulated. (More about Regulated Services)


   This provider is registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) or equivalent.

   This provider was last inspected on: 20/03/2023.

   This provider is a child minder in  Bridgend.

  This provider has part-time vacancies for children aged between 0 months and 16 years. Please contact me to find out about current vacancies.

  This provider is registered for 8 places and is staffed for 8 places.

What we do

A Childminder based in North Cornelly, I have been operating Little Lions since 2014. We follow a play based curriculum with inspiration from Hygge practices and the Curiosity approach. We love to be outside and explore, visiting local woods, parks, playgrounds, beaches and playgroups. Children are allowed to choose how they wish to spend their time and activities are child led and adaptable. Good in all areas on recent CIW Inspection with no areas of improvement. Fully safeguarding and paediatric trained. 5* Food rated by Food standards agency. Hold Level 5 qualifications in Childcare and Playwork. Working towards the Welsh Promise and Camu level 1

Who do we support

Care is provided from 0-16 with wrap around care available for West Park School in Porthcawl. The setting is open from 7.30am - 5.30pm, Monday to Thursday.

Can anyone use this service?

Anyone can use the service, however referrals can also be made and funded through a number of schemes including Flying Start and Families First

  Our opening times and availability

We are available: all year round. The setting is open 46 weeks of the year; we close at Christmas, 2 weeks in the summer and 2 additional weeks. We are also shut all bank holidays. No payment is required for any days in which the setting is not open.

We can provide wrap around care. Wrap around care is provided to West Park school in Porthcawl. This runs from 7.30am until 17.30pm

Monday 07:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 17:30
Thursday 07:30 - 17:30
Friday 07:30 - 17:30

Outside of normal hours we can provide care: Early mornings

  Our costs

  • £5.00 per Hour - Lunch and milk/formula to be provided by parents. Snacks, breakfast and Dinner provided at cost

We have the following additional costs :

  • £2.50 - Dinner

Wrap around care is provided at a set fee of £7.50 for a morning session and £12.50 for afternoon which includes either dinner or a snack.

  About our service

The language spoken in our setting is English only.

Provider has access to support and advice for Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Training provided by the local care team is taken up regularly.
Provider has a working knowledge of the ALN Act and Person Centred Planning approaches
Through training
Staff have accessed relevant ALN/disability training in the last 2 years?
As provided by the local authority.
Outside space
Full garden access includes playframe, swing, slide, resources, gardening area and water play
Will you use real nappies for children in your care?
All equipment to be provided by parents.
Is the setting pet free?
2 family friendly indoor cats
Offers Flying Start provision?
Offers funded Foundation Phase Nursery places (three to four year old education) Yes
This service is part of the Childcare Offer Scheme
This service accepts childcare vouchers
This service is registered with the Tax Free Childcare Scheme
Able to provide emergency/short term care? Yes
Are you able to care for children whose main language is neither English nor Welsh?
Whilst I am only able to speak English we do not discriminate between languages and will work with the parents to the best of our ability to provide care for a child who is not English speaking.

We drop off at/pick up from these schools:

  • West Park Primary
  • Collection/drop off can be provided as long as no adverse effect on children within my care.

Contact methods

Social media


  • Accessible parking
  • Breastfeeding welcome
  • Baby changing facilities