Registered services
Some of the services listed within Dewis Cymru are known as ‘regulated’ services. Some of these need to be ‘registered’ with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). This requirement aims to ensure that such services provide a good quality and safe service for the people who use them.
These services include community care and residential services for children and adults.
Registered services must by law meet certain basic standards set out by the Care Standards Act 2000 and the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010, for example. Specific standards are also in place for services such as domiciliary care and care homes.
These services are registered with and inspected regularly by the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).
Most inspection reports are available to read (some children’s services inspections are not made public).
If a registered service fails to meet or exceed the required care standards, the CIW has the power to take enforcement action, e.g. insisting standards improve immediately, closing the service or prosecuting the organisation (or manager).
All registeredservices are highlighted within the Dewis Cymru Directory of Services. This will allow people to gain more information about the service by following the link to the CIW website.
How to complain about a registered service
If you want to complain about a registered service contact CIW:
Tel: 0300 7900 126
Or write to: CIW National Office, Welsh Government, Rhydycar, CF481UZ
How to raise concerns as a member of staff or 'whistle blower'
Visit the CIW website to find out what steps you should take if you are concerned about a registered care service.