This resource is regulated. (More about Regulated Services)
This provider is registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) or equivalent.
This provider was last inspected on: 23/08/2019.
This provider has full week vacancies for children aged between 5 years and 14 years.
This provider is registered for 60 places and is staffed for 60 places.
Open Access play provision during holiday Time for ages 5-14
children Age 5-14
We are available: school holiday only.
We are available during the following school holidays:
We are unable to provide wrap around care.
The language spoken in our setting is English only.
We do not drop off at/pick up from any school.
We do not drop off at/pick up from any other places.
23 Bridgend Road, LlanharanRCTCF72 9RD