Lullabyz Nursery - Day Nursery

This resource is regulated. (More about Regulated Services)


   This provider is registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) or equivalent.

   This provider was last inspected on: 24/02/2020.

  This provider has part-time vacancies for children aged between 0 months and 4 years. Contact the nursery for availability.

  This provider is registered for 84 places and is staffed for 84 places.

What we do

We understand that choosing a nursery can be an emotional decision and here at Lullabyz we make every effort to create a home from home environment in which you the parent will feel confident leaving your little ones. Our overall aim is to provide a happy, caring, stimulating and safe environment where each child is encouraged to develop to his or her full potential. We strive to ensure that all children in our care achieve a flying start in life and the best possible basis for their future growth and development.


Who do we support

Lullabyz welcomes all children and aims to respond appropriately to each childs background and individual needs. We will work closely with parents and any outside agencies to meet the needs of children with special or additional needs. The ground floor has been designed to provide wheelchair access. Every room in the nursery is bright and welcoming and has been designed to challenge and excite the children. With planned topics and activities we encourage the children to learn through play.

Lullabyz provide pick up/ drop off from Glan Usk , Ysgol Cymraeg Casnewydd, St Josephs, Fairoak Nursery, St Julians and other local settings.

They have an outdoor play area and access to soft play area. Could cater for children with SEN or disabilities.

  Our opening times and availability

We are available: all year round.

We are unable to provide wrap around care.

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00

  Our costs

Please contact us for cost information

  About our service

The language spoken in our setting is English only.

Provider has access to support and advice for Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Provider has a working knowledge of the ALN Act and Person Centred Planning approaches
Staff have accessed relevant ALN/disability training in the last 2 years?
Outside space
Outdoor play area
Will you use real nappies for children in your care?
Is the setting pet free?
We have 3 goldfish.
Offers Flying Start provision?
Offers funded Foundation Phase Nursery places (three to four year old education) Yes
This service is part of the Childcare Offer Scheme
This service accepts childcare vouchers
This service is registered with the Tax Free Childcare Scheme
Please contact the provider for further details on costs
Able to provide emergency/short term care? Yes
Are you able to care for children whose main language is neither English nor Welsh?

We do not drop off at/pick up from any school.

We do not drop off at/pick up from any other places.


 You can visit us here:

Riverside Court
Tregare Street
St Julians
NP19 7AP

Social media


  • Access by ramps/level access
  • Breastfeeding welcome
  • Baby changing facilities