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Showing 7 of 7 services

ALN Pathfinder - Education (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Our aim is to help young people with ALN to make a successful transition from school to further education. The topics and resources throughout the site are common to each of the further education colleges in Wales, although actual provision does vary between each college. The site is designed to ...

Coleg Ceredigion - Education (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Spanning the regions of Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion, the College offers a wide range of Further Education, Higher Education, Work Based Learning and commercial courses from Entry level through to Degree level. In a range of academic and vocational disciplines. The College is part of a dual...

Lifelong Learning - Education (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Lifelong Learning at Aberystwyth University offer a wide range of short, part-time courses aimed at personal and professional development at levels and times to suit everyone. Many of our courses are run via distance learning that allows you the flexibility to study when and where you want to....

Remote First Aid and Pre-Hospital Training Ltd - Education (Opens in a new window)

Remote First Aid & Pre-Hospital Training provides a professional First Aid & Health & Safety Training Service. With over 35 years of training and over 40 years of experience dealing with casualties. Our dedicated trainers provide a seven-days a week training service subject to minimum numbers....

The Kings Trust - Education (Opens in a new window)

Every young person should have the chance to succeed. We know how hard it can be to get started in life. Whatever challenges you’re facing, if you’re aged 16 to 30, The King’s Trust (formerly known as The Prince's Trust) is here for you. You’ve got what it takes to gain the confidence and skills ...

The Open University - Education (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith The Open University is the largest provider of part-time undergraduate higher education in Wales. It is a world leader in providing innovative and flexible distance learning opportunities at higher education level. We work in communities the length and breadth of Wales to open up learning...

The School of Drumming - Education (Opens in a new window)

We can help you create a new school band using junk drums percussion and voices. Featuring weekly lesson plans of; lively rhythms and singing of fun original songs to enhance language, dexterity and social skills. Develop new ideas for events, junk instrument making and song writing. Also...