Provides targeted parenting support for families with children aged 8-17. Using a strength-based approach, CPSF will work alongside families to create a tailored support plan which meets the family’s needs.Building and sustaining positive respectful relationships with parents to enhance their parenting skills to support their children’s development, care, and wellbeing.CPSF offer bespoke support packages to meet a range of needs including managing behaviour, routines, and boundaries.Families will receive initial individual sessions in the home or virtually, and then progress onto attending a group-based programmes (in the community/virtually) or further individual tailored support.(Please refer to the Early Years support services for children aged 0-7).
Parents with children (aged 8-17 years) living in the Caerphilly borough.
Yes – JAFF referral form (Joint Assessment Family Framework) available on the website
Language: Bilingual