Family Pathway - Supporting Young People with Employment - Education

What we do

At Family Pathway we work with teenagers and young adults accessing employment or maintaining in employment.

We support young people to develop key skills needed to access learning and work, as well as supporting those that are in employment but are finding this challenging.

Individuals may experience challenges and barriers in this area for many reasons. For example, due to difficult past education and learning experiences, trauma, learning differences, invisible disabilities, bullying, mental health challenges, bereavement, physical health conditions, living through a pandemic and many more.

A diagnosis of a neurodiverse condition, such as dyslexia, ADHD, Autistic Spectrum (ASC), dyspraxia, and dyscalculia can also bring its challenges.

Perhaps you may also be feeling lost and just don’t know how to take the next step.

Family Pathway will work closely with you to create a bespoke plan of meaningful support so you can achieve your desired results.

Who do we support


It could also be parents/carers of 16+ that would benefit from some coaching to support their young people.

Is there a charge to use this service?

Depends - Our service provides tailored support which is a paid service.

Families needing financial assistance are able to access gifted services upon application.

Can anyone use this service?

This is open to all including via a professional service route


 You can send post here:

Portland House
113-116 Bute Street,
CF10 5EQ

 You can visit us here:

113-116 Bute Street
CF10 5EQ

 Opening times

Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 7pm