Barnardo's Confident Parents Stronger Families - Caerphilly - Family support services

What we do

The service provides individual support to parents of children aged 8-17 across Caerphilly and aims to promote family resilience. Parents are supported to learn new skills and strategies to enhance their child’s health, well-being, and development. Parents can access support through individual and/or group programmes.

If you have a child aged 0-7 and feel you would like support then the Early Years team can support you from the time you find out you are pregnant all the way to when your child starts school. The Early Years team work closely with midwives, health visitors, school nurses, schools, childcare and all the early years practitioners who can support a whole range of provision online, or in person.

Who do we support

Support to parents of children aged 8-17 across Caerphilly.

If you have a child aged 0- seven and feel you would like support then the Early Years team can support you from the time you find out you are pregnant all the way to when your child starts school. The Early Years team work closely with midwives, health visitors, school nurses, schools, childcare and all the early years practitioners who can support a whole range of provision online, or in person, depending on what you and your family need.

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

Referrals can be accepted by Caerphilly County Borough Councils – Children’s Services Information Advice and Assistance (IAA) Service. If you have a child/young person aged eight -17 and would like further support contact us directly or contact Caerphilly County Borough Council Children’s Services Information Advice and Assistance (IAA) Service.

Service details for this family support services

Language: English only

  • Can provide specialist support for families of children with disabilities / additional needs Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes