Brockhill Parent and Toddler Group - Parent and toddler / preschool activities

What we do

We meet in term time at Brockhill Community Hall Lower Penarth every Friday 9.30am - 11am term-time only, cost £3.00 per family. Parents, grandparents and carers with their babies and toddlers are warmly invited (new born - 5 years). Toys and activities are set up for you to enjoy with your children , we gather for snack time, toast and drinks for little ones and coffee and cakes for parents. The session rounds off with a time of singing together with the guitar . The group is hosted by DBS certified volunteers from Eden Church Penarth. Further information available on the website.

Who do we support

Pre school children and their parent/carers

Is there a charge to use this service?

Yes - £3.00 per family


 You can visit us here:

Lower Penarth Community Centre
Brockhill Way
CF64 5QD

Contact methods


 Opening times

Fridays Term Time 09:30 - 11am, term-time only