Dynamically Active - Children and young people's activities

What we do

A time-limited activity support service that helps empower children/young people to be able to access a chosen activity or club of their choice in their local community as independently as possible.
Some children/young people may never be able to attend independently but this will not be a barrier, the goal is always to look for sustainable options for the child/young person after the agreed Dynamic support plan has finished.
There could be a variable session charge for this service dependent on the activity the individual has chosen.

Who do we support

Children/Young People:
• Aged 8 – 19 Years
• Lives in Wrexham County Borough
• Have a diagnosed disability or where there is professional concern about the individual: a physical/social/emotional/health/behavioural issue that is having a detrimental impact on their development and a formal disability diagnosis is being sought.
• A commitment from the child/young person and/or parent/carer to look at activities that can be sustainable.

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

We accept referrals from young people, parents/carers and professionals.

Service details for this children and young people's activities

Language: Bilingual

  • Can support children with disabilities / additional needs? Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further. Our service is specifically for children and young people with disabilities.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes

Contact methods

Social media


 Opening times

Sessions times vary. Please contact us for more information.