Rhyming Multisensory Stories - Storytelling Through the Senses - Children and young people's activities

What we do

Provides support, information, training and multisensory teaching and activity ideas and resources for parents/carers of, and professionals working with, children and teenagers with additional/special educational needs and professionals working with adults with auditory/visual/sensory impairments, Alzheimer's/Dementia.

Fully resourced, step by step multisensory stories and poems with themed activity ideas connecting individuals to literature, culture, history, poetry and topic through the senses.

A free monthly sensory activities calendar (visit the blog: www.rhymingmultisensorystories.com/blog)

Training available via Zoom

Free sensory stories, video story walkthroughs and recorded workshops plus a free, monthly sensory teaching and activities calendar via the blog

Discounts available for charities and small organisations

Your questions, queries, comments, and feedback are always welcome!

Who do we support

Of interest to:
Parents, grandparents, guardians, carers of children and teenagers with additional/special educational needs

Professionals (Teachers, HLTA's, TA's, Learning Support Mentors, Speech and Language Therapists, Play Therapists, Librarians) working with children and teenagers with additional/special educational needs: Autism, Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilities, Moderate Learning Disabilities, Downs Syndrome, Global Delay

Activity Managers, Activity Coordinators and Support Workers working with adults in day/residential care who have Dementia/Alzheimer's/Visual/Hearing/Sensory Impairments/ additional/special educational needs.

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

Anyone can contact me directly. I welcome all questions, queries, comments an feedback.

Service details for this children and young people's activities

Language: English only

  • Can support children with disabilities / additional needs? Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further. The sensory stories and resources are aimed at connecting individuals aged 3-19 with special educational needs and learning disabilities to literature, culture, history, poetry and topic through multisensory storytelling and sensory themed activities aimed at engaging individuals, promote communication skills, independence and areas of learning.

    'Peer Sensory Storytellers' Workshop.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes