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Showing 51 of 51 services

ABC Out Of School Playgroup Plus (Rhostyllen) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Playgroup Plus provides Early Education sessions from January to July and childcare for pupils attending school nursery.

Acorns Playgroup- Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Provide Funded Early Education for 3 year olds and childcare for 2 years to entry at school nursery. Provide Flying Start for 2 year olds.

Acorns Wraparound at Ysgol Alexandra - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

A school based setting providing wraparound childcare for those children who attend the nursery classes at Alexandra School.

Acton Childcare Playgroup /Playgroup plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

Bangor On Dee Childcare (Playgroup/Playgroup plus) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. We offer flexible childcare, playgroup, wraparound sessions and full day care between 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday for children aged 2-4 years. We are an approved Early Education provider. Please ask about our after school club for those attending Ysgol Sant Dunawd ...

Barker's Lane Wrap Around Care Club Playgroup/Plus- Borras - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting it offers term time, sessional playgroup for preschool children aged 2.5 years. It's wraparound playgroup plus sessions offers childcare for those attending Barker's Lane CP nursery school class (age 3-4 years). The Club also offers sessions before and after school ...

Borras Park Full Day Care (Playgroup / Nursery Plus) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based based setting. Borras full day care offers Playgroup, playgroup plus, Early Education sessions, nursery class ad early education wraparound childcare provision.

Bradley Playgroup - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2 ½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

Bronington Children's Club (Bumblebees Pre-School) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Bumble Bees provides sessional and full day childcare for children aged between 18 months - 4 years during term time. They offer a caring, safe, stimulating environment either as full time or part-time education for pre-school children.

Brynteg Tigers Out of Hours School Club -Nursery Plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

Bwlchgwyn Cabin Crew Flying Start and Playgroup - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting offering Flying Start & Playgroup sessions every day during term time from 9am - 11:30am followed by wraparound care until 3:10pm each day. Cabin Crew also run an after school club and holiday club for children from 3yrs of age.

Cefn Mawr Playgroup Bright Stars - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

Chirk Pre-School Playgroup / Playgroup Plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith This is a school based setting. Chirk Pre-School Playgroup runs a playgroup welcoming all children from the age of 2yrs. Providing a morning playgroup plus before the school nursery class at Ysgol Y Waun. It is approved to provide funded Early Education from January to July for children after...

Cool Kids Club Stars Playgroup plus - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Stars Playgroup Plus provides childcare open to all children that can wraparound nursery classes in schools during term time. Children attending our playgroup can also attend our holiday, breakfast and afternoon clubs.

Cylch Bodhyfryd - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylchoedd Meithrin provide Welsh- Medium childcare for children usually aged 2 years to school age. Cylchoedd Meithrin offer a range of childcare services from full day care, sessional care (for 2 - 4 hour sessions a day) or wraparound care with the local school. All the childcare in a Cylch...

Cylch Bodhyfryd (Flying Start) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Flying Start is the Welsh Government targeted Early Years programme for families with children under 4 years of age in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales. The core elements of the programme are drawn from a range of options that have been shown to influence positive outcomes for...

Cylch Meithrin (a Ti a Fi) Llan-y-Pwll - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylch Meithrin's priority is the happiness and safety of each child – our homely and happy environment offers the best possible care, and the chance for each child to learn and to develop to its full potential. The setting offers toys and resources of the highest standard, appropriate to the...

Cylch Meithrin / Meithrin Mwy Bro Alun - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylchoedd Meithrin provide Welsh- Medium childcare for children usually aged 2 years to school age. Cylchoedd Meithrin offer a range of childcare services from full day care, sessional care (for 2 - 4 hour sessions a day) or wraparound care with the local school. All the childcare in a Cylch...

Cylch Meithrin / Meithrin Mwy Min Y Ddol - Cefn Mawr - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylchoedd Meithrin are Welsh-medium playgroups which give children an opportunity to become bilingual (in English and Welsh).

Cylch Meithrin Bryn Tabor (Meithrin Mwy) - Coedpoeth - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylch Meithrin Bryn Tabor’s priority is the happiness and safety of each child – our homely and happy environment offers the best possible care, and the chance for each child to learn and to develop to its full potential. The setting offers toys and resources of the highest standard, appropriate ...

Cylch Meithrin Min y Ddol - Flying Start Min Y Ddol - Cefn Mawr - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Wrexham Flying Start is a Welsh Government funded programme for children aged from 0 years up until their 4th birthday and their parents/carers, who live in certain parts of Wrexham. The aim of the programme is to help children to have the best possible start in life for their future growth and...

Cylch Meithrin Plas Coch - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylch Meithrin based at Ysgol Plas Coch. We offer Flying Start sessions, Cylch Meithrin, Funded Early Education and wrap around during school term time.

Cylch Meithrin/Mwy Glyn Ceiriog - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Cylchoedd Meithrin are Welsh-medium playgroups which give children an opportunity to become bilingual (in English and Welsh).

Flying Start-Mini Explorers (Flying Start) - Ruabon - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Flying Start is the Welsh Government targeted Early Years programme for families with children under 4 years of age in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales. The core elements of the programme are drawn from a range of options that have been shown to influence positive outcomes for...

Flying Start-Mini Explorers (Wraparound) - Ruabon - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

Gresford Governors' Clubs And Playgroups (Playgroup and Playgroup Plus) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2 ½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time. For children aged 2 years until they start Nursery, we offer Full Day Care.

Hafod Y Wern Flying Start Playgroup - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

Hanmer Playgroup / Plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater for children aged 2 to 4 years, we offer morning, afternoon and all day sessions. Hanmer Playgroup also runs a weekly Forest school for the playgroup sessions

Happy Days Playgroup / Playgroup Plus - Coedpoeth - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups caters mainly for children aged 2½ to 4 years, usually for 2 hours in the morning term time only.

Idwal Flying Start assessment centre - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Flying Start playgroup for children within particular catchments areas across Wrexham County. Flying start caters for children aged 2-3 years, mid morning/afternoon and mainly during term time.

Incy Wincy Playgroup (Incy Wincy Nursery) - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Our Nursery provides term time, wraparound childcare for Wat's Dyke Nursery children only, following their attendance in the Nursery Class in the mornings, until the end of the school day.

Jigsaw Wrexham (wraparound) at Black Lane CP - Pentre Broughton - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting primarily offering wraparound care for those children who attend Blacklane early education or nursery classes during term time. It is open to children from age 3 who do not attend this school subject to demand. Children attending the wraparound care can also attend ...

Kiddies World Playgroup/Wraparound - Acrefair - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

Little Sunflowers Childcare Flying Start Playgroup - Rhosymedre - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

Little Sunflowers ICC Childcare Rising 3's And 4's - Rhosymedre - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. An approved setting for providing funded Early Education sessions, it offers childcare afterwards and to wraparound school nursery classes, primarily to children from Rhosymedre Primay but all children are welcome. SET OVER TWO LOCATIONS depending on capacity, the ...

Minera Kidz Klub Nursery Plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting that provides wraparound care for children who attend Early Education or Nursery Class at Minera Voluntary Aided School.

New Broughton Full Day Childcare - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

Overton Playcentre - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

Overton Playcentre Playgroup and Playgroup Plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

Penycae Childcare Playgroup / Nursery Plus - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This setting is based at Penycae CP School. Penycae Childcare runs a playgroup, Playgroup/Nursery wraparound care as part of it's childcare provision.

Penycae Flying Start Playgroup - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Provides Flying Start childcare in two sessional playgroup sessions, morning or afternoon, during term time. For further details about Flying Start Please contact: 01978 268850.

Rainbows Nursery Plus - Chirk - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Playgroup Plus for children whose 3rd birthday falls after the 31st August. Wraparound is for Ysgol Y Waun nursery class and the Pre School Playgroup.

St Mary's Little Rainbows (PG+) - Brymbo - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years. Little Rainbows provides childcare sessions, from 11.30am-3pm during term time for 3-4 yr old children.

St Marys Pre-School - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...

St Marys Pre-School (Flying Start) - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Flying Start is the Welsh Government targeted Early Years programme for families with children under 4 years of age in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales. The core elements of the programme are drawn from a range of options that have been shown to influence positive outcomes for...

St Peter's Playscheme (ABC wraparound Club) - Rossett - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. A term time provision, St Peter's Playscheme (ABC/Rising 4s Club) provides wraparound childcare for those children who attend the nursery class at St Peter's Primary School in the mornings. They are also able to attend the school's breakfast and after school club...

Temps OSC Fun Time Club - Marford - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

This is a school based setting. Temps Out of School Club offers affordable childcare for children who attend The Rofft Nursery Class as part of it's childcare provision package for parents & carers who work, attend training or need assistance out of school hours. Registration forms can be found...

The School House Wraparound Childcare - Johnstown - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

The Venture Wrexham Ltd Flying Start Playgroup - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroups cater mainly for children aged 2½ to 5 years, usually for 2 to 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and mainly during term time.

Ty Ni Family Centre Flying Start Assessment Centre - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Iaith Gwaith Flying Start playgroup for children within particular catchments areas across Wrexham County. Flying start caters for children aged 2-3 years, mid morning/afternoon and mainly during term time.

Victoria Gems, Jewels and Treasures - Wrexham - Playgroup (Opens in a new window)

Playgroup, sometimes known as Preschool is childcare where children usually aged 2 years to school age are cared for, rather than care being provided for babies or toddlers. Typically, playgroups operate from community centres, school sites or church buildings during school term-time only,...