Caerphilly Young Carers Support - Family support services

What we do

Caerphilly CBC Carers Team are now offering support to young carers.

We can offer:
- One to one support which includes what matters to you as a young carer (known as a carer’s assessment).
- Group sessions to chat about your caring role with us and other carers.
- Opportunities for well-being support from Child and Family Psychology.
- Information sessions on things you might like to learn about.
- Fun activities and time out from your caring role. (We’re always looking for new things to do, too, so would love for you to tell us what you’d like to do.)
- Free or reduced cost gym memberships from CCBC gyms and leisure centres (this depends on age).

Keeping in Touch:
- A closed Facebook group with details of all our activities and events, while being able to access peer support from other young carers. Search for “Caerphilly County Borough Young Carers Group” and ask to join.
- A mailing list that shares relevant information and details of all our activities and events.

Who do we support

Young carers in Caerphilly Borough (up to age 18 years)

Tel: 01495 233218 or 01495 233234

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

Yes - Referrals for More Than Play are received through ISCAN.

Service details for this family support services

Language: Bilingual

  • Can provide specialist support for families of children with disabilities / additional needs Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further. We are happy to adapt our programme to support children with disabilities
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes

Social media


 Opening times

Monday to Thursday 8:30am-5:00pm
Friday 8:30am-4:30pm