Meifod Preschool - childcare - School-based nurseries

What we do

Children play and learn together with fully qualified staff. We have a fabulous hut, attached to the school & share a fantastic garden/play area with the school.
We are registered with Early years wales & take children from the age of two and up to compulsory school age, for morning sessions.
We are an English medium setting but our staff use Welsh & some members of staff are Welsh speakers.

Find out more about Early Years Funded Settings:

Who do we support

Children 2 - 11 years old

Is there a charge to use this service?


Can anyone use this service?

No referral needed.


 You can send post here:

Meifod Village Hall
SY22 6DF

 You can visit us here:

Ysgol meifod
SY22 6DF

Social media


  • Accessible parking
  • Access by ramps/level access