Cymryd Rhan - Family support services

What we do

Cymryd Rhan is a charity formed in 1986 to promote and assist people in Wales who are vulnerable and disadvantaged by reason of their learning and/or physical disability, mental health or age. We support people to live their life in their way. We take a transparent and inclusive approach towards the people we support and their families.

Who do we support

Anybody and everybody who needs support. We support people across Wales who feel isolated and lonely, need support on financial and employment issues, support with their wellbeing, childcare and childcare business support including play work.
We also work with charities by providing services in HR, Finance and Wellbeing in the workplace. We carry out legal and regulated financial examinations to charities with less than £250k per year turnover, and support charities to find efficiencies so that they can invest more money on their core charitable aims. We deliver direct payment care services.

Is there a charge to use this service?

Depends - It depends on which type of support the person needs. We work with lots of people who are in receipt of Direct Payments as then we feel we are directly accountable to them and their families. Private contracts create the most person-centred approach and we even support people who write their own assessments and structures of support for us to follow. One of our culture codes is to support the citizen by always doing the right thing at the right time and in the right way.

Can anyone use this service?

Anyone can contact us directly

Service details for this family support services

Language: Bilingual

  • Can provide specialist support for families of children with disabilities / additional needs Yes Please contact to discuss your child(s) needs further. We provide childcare to child with additional learning needs in Merthyr Tydfil. We are in the process of expanding this by offering more provision.

    We support children with complex needs and also work closely with families outside of the setting on pressures such as employment, finance and healthy living and wellbeing.
  • Relevant staff have a valid current DBS? Yes


 Opening times

Workdays between 9am and 5pm by telephone. Anytime by email or via our website.